SECTION I. The name of this organization shall be the Dobson Ranch Golf Association (DRGA).
SECTION 1. Any person who has reached their 18th birthday may become a member of the "Regular" division of this Association upon payment of their annual dues. This membership includes membership into the USGA representative organization. Arizona Golf Association (AGA) and allows the member to participate in DRGA tournaments when tournament entry requirements have been filled.
SECTION 2. Any person under the age of 18 may become a member of the "Junior" division of this Association upon payment of the minimum USGA/AGA dues. This membership does not entitle the person to play in Dobson Ranch Golf Association tournaments.
SECTION 1. For continuing members, the annual membership dues for the Dobson Ranch Golf Association shall be $90 per year if paid prior to January 1st and $100 thereafter. New member dues shall be $100 per year. Changes to the annual membership dues amount shall be agreed upon by the Board of Directors no later than the November Board of Directors meeting...Dobson Ranch Golf Association will charge an annual membership dues shall constitute membership from January 1st to December 31st. These fees are formulated based on current Arizona Golf Association (AGA) membership fees and forecasted DRGA administration expenses. The Board of Directors shall agree upon changes to the annual membership fee no later than the current year November board meeting.
SECTION 2. Availability of discounted renewal membership dues shall be payable no sooner then December 1st and shall expire on December 31st of each year. Annual membership dues shall constitute membership from January 1st to December 31st inclusive, regardless of when paid during any given year.
SECTION 3. No member shall have voting or tournament sign-up and participation privileges while delinquent in payment of their dues.
SECTION 4. The Board of Directors may grant honorary membership to an individual with unanimous approval.